Announcing Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs!

Psalms. Hymns. Spiritual Songs. All are commanded. All should be included in worship.

Do you want to reawaken congregational song in your church? Do you desire to hear the voices of young and old alike worshiping together in song? Then you will want to see this hymnal.

We are pleased to announce the launch of Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs, a hymnal unlike anything you've ever seen.

Coming early 2019! Preorder now to be first in line!
Only $14.50 each when you buy 200 or more using promo code: bulk.

While other hymnals are in print, Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs stands apart as the most usable hymnal available today. It is the most unique, most singable, most accurate, most biblical, most logical and most exhaustive hymnal available.

Click here to read more about this hymnal that is designed for local pastors to revive congregational song.


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