A Man of Faith: Charles Spurgeon


A Man of Faith: Charles Spurgeon


Several pioneers of the Christian faith continue to inspire people to grow in their relationship with the Lord. Charles Spurgeon is one who most Christians know. His works have contributed to the faith of so many. He was a faithful Christian man who had impacted so many. While Spurgeon did not have much formal education and never attended a university (although he did study agriculture), he studied the Bible passionately and had over 12,000 books in his library. He was devoted to learning the Bible, and his life was an outpouring of the words he studied. 


At 15, Spurgeon happened upon a powerful sermon that changed his views and life in the Primitive Methodist Chapel. The discourse derived from the words, “Look unto me, and be ye saved, all ye ends of the earth.” Burrage says in Baptist Hymn Writers and Their Hymns, “The preacher’s words reached his heart, and then and there, according to his own glad testimony, he gave himself to the Lord Jesus Christ” (208). He then aligned himself with the baptist church and became devoted to its teachings and the work of the Lord. He taught Sunday School and served in every way he could. It was not long before he began to preach. He was just 16 when he preached his first sermon at Teversham and served his first pastorate in 1852 at Waterbeach. Burrage claims that he drew flocks of people when he preached (208). Before long, he was preaching in London and had to enlarge the church he was pastor at because of his fame. He even preached in the Music Hall to accommodate the 7,000 people who came to hear him. Upon completion of the Metropolitan Tabernacle, he was able to preach to fifty-five hundred people. He quickly grew in fame and is now a household name in the Christian world.


Spurgeon is mainly known for his sermons and thoughts about Christianity, with published works such as Commentary on the Psalms and The Treasury of David.  However, he also wrote many memorable hymns still sung today in a collection titled Our Own Hymn Book. One hymn, in particular, was called “Praise the Lord with Exultation, my Whole Heart.” Spurgeon’s entire life showed his relationship with the Lord. His words came from deep within his heart, whether preaching and teaching others about the Lord and faith or singing and making music. His life is a beautiful example today of how to live. What a believer says and does matters. The Christian’s beliefs, what they teach others, and the words that come out of their mouths all come from somewhere. Matthew 12:34 says, “O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.” What is in the heart dictates what is said. May every believer be like Spurgeon and hide the Lord’s words so deeply in their hearts that it is the only thing that will come out!


BURRAGE, HENRY. Baptist Hymn Writers and Their Hymns. CHARLES RIVER EDITORS. 


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