My Heart, My Life, My All I Bring

Frances HavergalFrances Ridley Havergal was the daughter of W. H. Havergal, a hymnist in his own right, with about a hundred poems and a multitude of melodic compositions to his credit. The faithful father encouraged his young daughter in her pursuit. By age four, she was reading and memorizing the Bible; and at age seven, she began to pen her thoughts in meter. She testified, “When fifteen years old, I committed my soul to the Saviour, and earth and heaven seemed brighter from that moment.” Of Havergal, one biographer recorded, “Few poets have consecrated their gifts of head and heart and pen more fully to Christ than she did, and few lives ending at forty-three years of age have left behind more pleasing and precious literary treasures than are found in her poems of Christian faith and love and service.”

1.  I bring my sins to thee,
The sins I can-not count,
That all may cleans-ed be
In thy once o-pened fount.
I bring them, Sav-iour, all to thee,
The bur-den is too great for me,
The bur-den is too great for me.

2.  My heart to thee I bring,
The heart I can-not read;
A faith-less, wan-d’ring thing,
An e-vil heart in-deed.
I bring it, Sav-iour, now to thee,
That fixed and faith-ful it may be,
That fixed and faith-ful it may be.

3.  To thee I bring my care,
The care I can-not flee,
Thou wilt not on-ly share,
But bear it all for me.
O lov-ing Sav-iour, now to thee
I bring the load that wea-ries me,
I bring the load that wea-ries me.

4.  I bring my grief to thee,
The grief I can-not tell;
No words shall need-ed be,
Thou know-est all so well.
I bring the sor-row laid on me,
O suf-f’ring Sav-iour, now to thee,
O suf-f’ring Sav-iour, now to thee.

5.  My joys to thee I bring,
The joys thy love hath giv’n,
That each may be a wing
To lift me near-er heav’n.
I bring them, Sav-iour, all to thee,
For thou hast pur-chased all for me,
For thou hast pur-chased all for me.

6.  My life I bring to thee,
I would not be my own;
O Sav-iour, let me be
Thine ev-er, thine a-lone.
My heart, my life, my all I bring
To thee, my Sav-iour and my King,
To thee, my Sav-iour and my King!


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