News, Hymn History, & Resources

O Thou My Soul, Forget No More

O Thou My Soul, Forget No More

Krishnu Pal was among the first of the Hindus who renounced caste and idolatry for Christ’s sake (editor’s note: Krishnu Pal was the first convert of pioneer missionary William Carey.)...

O Thou My Soul, Forget No More

Krishnu Pal was among the first of the Hindus who renounced caste and idolatry for Christ’s sake (editor’s note: Krishnu Pal was the first convert of pioneer missionary William Carey.)...

There Is Power in the Blood- Lewis Edgar Jones

There Is Power in the Blood- Lewis Edgar Jones

Lewis Edgar Jones was born February 8th, 1865, in Yates City, Illinois, and died September 1st, 1936. Jones grew up on a farm outside of Davenport, Iowa, until he left...


There Is Power in the Blood- Lewis Edgar Jones

Lewis Edgar Jones was born February 8th, 1865, in Yates City, Illinois, and died September 1st, 1936. Jones grew up on a farm outside of Davenport, Iowa, until he left...

O What Amazing Words of Grace - Samuel Medley

O What Amazing Words of Grace - Samuel Medley

“’Whoever thirsts,” ‘O gracious word.’”  “Precious is the gospel invitation given in the hymn by Samuel Medley (subject of our previous Melody Moment), commencing:__ “O what amazing words of grace...


O What Amazing Words of Grace - Samuel Medley

“’Whoever thirsts,” ‘O gracious word.’”  “Precious is the gospel invitation given in the hymn by Samuel Medley (subject of our previous Melody Moment), commencing:__ “O what amazing words of grace...

O Could I Speak the Matchless Worth.

O Could I Speak the Matchless Worth.

            “This hymn was penned by Samuel Medley, who wrote two hundred and thirty hymns, which were gathered in a volume the year after his...

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O Could I Speak the Matchless Worth.

            “This hymn was penned by Samuel Medley, who wrote two hundred and thirty hymns, which were gathered in a volume the year after his...

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Just As I Am, Without One Plea

Just As I Am, Without One Plea

  Charlotte Elliot, born March 18th, 1789, suffered throughout her long life with great physical pain and distress. Though she was physically unable to accomplish much of the ministry she...

Just As I Am, Without One Plea

  Charlotte Elliot, born March 18th, 1789, suffered throughout her long life with great physical pain and distress. Though she was physically unable to accomplish much of the ministry she...

Blest Be the Tie that Binds- John Fawcett

Blest Be the Tie that Binds- John Fawcett

“This sweet hymn was written by John Fawcett D.D. in 1772. The following are given as the interesting facts that occasioned it..."


Blest Be the Tie that Binds- John Fawcett

“This sweet hymn was written by John Fawcett D.D. in 1772. The following are given as the interesting facts that occasioned it..."